Knights of Columbus Council 3716 Scituate, MA


Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practical Catholic men, who are at least 18 years old. A practical Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church.

Candidates join local units, called "councils," most of which are based in one Catholic parish, or in the community at large. The candidate takes part in initiation degrees that explain the Knights of Columbus' four principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood. If you want to join this great organization of Catholic men, you will join brother Knights working to fulfill the central mission of the Order: striving in charitable works; serving the Church and unified in following its teachings; supporting brother Knights in their temporal and spiritual needs; acting for the good of their country; and giving aid to widows, orphans, the sick and the poor.

A candidate is considered a "Knight" after taking his First Degree, but he is encouraged to advance through the Second and Third Degrees. Fourth Degree members promote the virtue of patriotism by serving in honor guards, color corps and promoting respect for country and the flag.

For more information on becoming a Knight contact any council member.